Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Chapter

I'm starting a new chapter in my life....you see my baby started kindergarten.  I'll be the first to admit I wasn't an emotional mess the morning he got on that yellow school bus and drove down the street.  That doesn't mean I didn't feel a little tug on my heartstrings but I knew he was ready.  Good news is he had a great morning that day and every morning since.

I've also had some great mornings... precious quiet time with my Heavenly Father,  running with friends, drinking lots of coffee and home DIY projects.  All the home projects lead me into another obsession THE HOME DECORATING BLOG.  I read about 25 of them (slight exaggeration but not much) almost everyday.  When I let myself I could spend hours pouring over the blogger's gorgeous homes, projects and visions for how to turn something pretty hideous into something AMAZING. 

A while ago after another session of blogger stalking I decided to get off the couch and finish up some of the home beautification projects I have around here.  Then I started thinking I could blog about it too...if I like to read about them so much while not take a stab at blogging about them as I go.  I'm not a designer or even close.  I'm not a journalist or graphic designer but I am a full time stay at home mom who loves making our home a place where my husband, kids, neighbors, family and friends can feel welcome.  That's exactly what this blog will be about, my attempts, hits & misses and adventures along the way of making our home a haven.  Much like Aidan that first day of kindergarten I'm going to charge ahead one project at a time and no looking back....

1 comment:

  1. That's cool! I am the least capable of decorating person in the United States, so maybe your blog can help me! How do I "follow"? I can't figure that out.

    Okay, cool...I figured out how to post at least. :)
