Sunday, October 9, 2011

Time to Get Busy!!

Last week I was what I will call blog lite.  I wasn't feeling overly creative or even productive as far as projects go but I did do some things that matter more.  Hung out with friends, played with Aidan and had some amazing quiet time with the Lord.  A few things (laundry) did get done in between all of that and even had one burst of creativity Friday afternoon that included 3 different garage sale finds, LOTS of paint and my first attempt at using the power drill all by myself :)  I'm going to share that with you later this week but just have one final finishing touch to make....

I do want to give you an update on the desk project I (ahem) said would be done and in the office by October 1st.  THE DESK IS DONE .......but the drawers aren't and it's not in the office.  I ran into a handle dilemma that slowed me down a bit but I'm slowing knocking it out and fingers crossed it's done this week! 

Finally, does anyone else feel overwhelmed when your house is disorganized?  I don't mean the junk drawer is untidy or there is a mound of laundry but real disorganization?  I'm a fairly organized person and Bob is EXTREMELY organized.  I'm not kidding when I tell you this was sitting on our desk tonight when I sat down to the's our label maker.

(Anyone else think Monica from Friends?)

While other parts of the house are organized cluttered closets seem to be my downfall.  They creep up on me then scream "Take care of me!!" for several weeks until I break down and do it.  Here's just two areas in our office I need to take care of this week so I can finish that beautiful desk and move her into the space she deserves.

(Game/Craft closet - it's even worse in person)

(my desk/garage sale/project dumping ground plus overly amused husband)

I could walk around our whole house and do closet shots right now but then the pantry would be jealous so I will just leave it at this.....for now.

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